#include "config.h" //相关头文件#define C02MasterAddr
0xa0//C02的器件地址 #define C02SlaveAddr 0 //读写数据的起始地址 #defineLED (1 << 19)//LED IO口号 #defineLED2 (1 << 20)
#defineAA (1 << 2)//I2CONSET的各位定义
#defineSI (1 << 3)#defineSTO (1 << 4)#defineSTA (1 << 5)#defineI2EN (1 << 6)#defineWRMode 0 //写模式
#defineRDMode 1 //读模式#definelastbyte 1 //是否为最后一个字节
uint8 I2C_buf1 = 5;
uint8 I2C_buf2 = 0;//延时函数void Delay(uint32 dly){ uint32i; for(; dly> 0; dly--) { for(i = 0; i < 50000; i++); }}//I2C初始化函数
void I2C_Init(uint32 Fi2c){ if(Fi2c> 400000) { Fi2c =400000; } PINSEL0 =(PINSEL0 & (~0xf0)) |0x50;//这里是让P02,P03选第二功能,即I2C总线 I2SCLH =(Fpclk/Fi2c + 1) / 2;//设置I2C速度为400K I2SCLL =(Fpclk/Fi2c) / 2; I2CONCLR =0x2c; //主发送模式对STA,AA,SI清零 I2CONSET =0x40;//使用I2C总线 // I2CONCLR =STA|AA|SI;// I2CONSET =I2EN; }//I2C bus start functionvoid I2C_Start(void){ I2CONSET =STA;//set start condition do{}while(0x08 != I2STAT);//A start condition hasbeen transmitted I2CONCLR =STA;//clear start condition}//I2C bus stop function
void I2C_Stop(void){ I2CONSET =STO; //set STO condition I2CONCLR =SI; //clear SI condition}//write byte functionvoid WriteByte(uint8 data){ I2DAT =data;// data transmitted I2CONCLR =SI;//clear SI condition}//wirte I2C bus address mode is RDMode or WRModevoid WriteAddr(uint8 Mode){ WriteByte(C02MasterAddr + Mode);//transmite theI2C address and R/W mode if(Mode) { do{}while(0x40 != I2STAT);//SLA+R has beentransmitted;ACK has been recevied } else { do{}while(0x18 != I2STAT);//SLA+W has beentransmitted;ACK has been received }}//write data to I2Cvoid WriteData(uint8 data){ WriteByte(data);// data is will transmiteddata do{}while(0x28 != I2STAT);//Data byte in I2DAThas been transmitted;ACK has been received}//read i2c byteuint8 ReadByte(uint8 last){ if(last) { I2CONCLR = AA; I2CONCLR = SI; do{} while(0x58 != I2STAT);//data byte has beenreceived;NOT ACK has been returned } else { I2CONSET = AA;//transmited ACK I2CONCLR = SI; do{}while(0x50 != I2STAT);//data byte has beenreceived;ACK has been returned. } returnI2DAT;//return read data}//write data into 24c02void WriteC02(void){ // uint8i;//define unsigned char i I2C_Start(); WriteAddr(WRMode); WriteData(C02SlaveAddr);//the data storaddress WriteData(I2C_buf1); I2C_Stop();}//read I2C data
void ReadC02(void){ // uint8i; I2C_Start(); WriteAddr(WRMode); WriteData(C02SlaveAddr); I2C_Stop(); I2C_Start(); WriteAddr(RDMode); I2C_buf2 =ReadByte(lastbyte); I2C_Stop();}int main(void)
{ PINSEL0 =0x00000000; PINSEL1 =0x00000000; IODIR =LED|LED2; IOSET =LED|LED2;I2C_Init(400000); WriteC02(); Delay(1000); ReadC02(); if(I2C_buf2== I2C_buf1) { while(1){ IOCLR = LED;//correct LED1 light Delay(50); IOSET = LED; Delay(50); } } else { while(1) { IOCLR = LED2;//error LED2 light Delay(50); IOSET = LED2; Delay(50); } } return 0; }